Wednesday, June 1

Editors are a friendly bunch

What's always impressed me about freelance editors is their willingness to share marketing and business-building ideas with one another. I was attending the Editors' Association of Canada's annual conference this past weekend, and everyone I spoke to had some advice to give. We were constantly gabbing about our respective methods for gaining clientele, and it seemed as though I was the only one thinking "Isn't she my competitor? Why is she giving me all these good ideas?"

Maybe as a young fiction editor, I didn't seem like much of a threat. Maybe there's plenty of market share to go around. Or maybe we're just a really pleasant bunch. I like to think it's the third option.

I came away from the weekend feeling rejuvenated and ready to commit to improving my online presence (one of many tips). Hopefully this post will be the first of a steady stream.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,

    I appear to have a twin who is also following you. But don't worry, there is really only one of me and I am not a split personality.

    Glad you enjoyed the EAC session. I thought it turned out quite fun though initially I was

    Looking forward to your next post!

